No where to go =(
i thought that i can choose to retain.But i'm wrong....that bloody skool dun wan me back...dun even knw wad i did wrong lo......i so guai liao.....worst is tat fucking principal giv de excuse dam lame la...she sae the deadline to hand in the repeat form is already over...fuck lo...the deadline is 1 day after we ge our results.....cb then they gt the dunno wad course briefing on the next week.....cb....then that time she expel me then let me go back then i gt no where to go lol..the ite thingy de also over liao i dun wan go NS!!!!! aiya must see PO then discuss wif him lo.........
Christmas is so dam bloody boring for me this year la....all i did i to sit down and drink wif a bunch of aunties and uncles........haha they kinda funny la...and talk about prostitude for hours......but 1 good thing is tat they wont control me frm drinking XD
Went Jurong point wif angela and hui ting yesterday.......went to eat pizza hut....then go jalan jalan.....actually we wanted to go bugis de...then in the end hui ting dun wan...then aiya next time lo......CB lo......angela keep show black face _l_ like me huan tio her liddat.......keep yaking about nt being able to buy clothes -_- after that we met of wif andrew and his cousin.........they talk super loud la......dam attention seek la......
Rotting at home alone bored.......zzz